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Shockwave Therapy for RAPID Pain Relief!

The AMAZING Shockwave device is NOW available at the Pain Relief Center. we have one of the ONLY machines of this type in all of Orange and Los Angeles Counties.

What Is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave Therapy, also known as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is truly a REVOLUTIONARY technology that gets to the SOURCE of the PAIN, using a high-intensity sound wave that breaks through the wall of inflammation, causing rapid pain relief and healing.

Unfortunately, following an injury, the body may "wall off" the area, preventing the stem cells from reaching and repairing the damage. This creates a chronic inflammatory condition causing pain and tenderness. Unless the wall is broken down it may never heal.

The Shockwave machine sends a super-sonic sound wave into the damaged area, which breaks through the inflammatory wall. This not only clears out the inflammation, resulting in immediate pain relief, but it also triggers the stem cell response to rebuild and regenerate the damaged area. This can permanently solve the problem.

Our Shockwave therapy protocol is a true breakthrough technology and is now being used by advanced clinics, and high school, college, and professional sports teams.

The following is a list of some of the MANY conditions that are helped by Shockwave treatment:

  • Neck Pain/Sprain/Nerve Pain/Radiculopathy

  • Whiplash Injury

  • Shoulder Pain/Torn Rotator Cuff/Frozen Shoulder/Arthritis

  • Elbow Pain/Tennis Elbow/Golfer's Elbow

  • Wrist, Hand, and Finger Pain/Carpal Tunnel/Arthritis

  • Low Back Pain/Sprain/Arthritis/Sciatica/Radiculopathy

  • Hip Pain/Arthritis/Pain before or after Surgery

  • Hamstring Pain/Pulled Hamstring

  • Knee Pain/Arthritis/Pain before or after Surgery

  • Torn ACL/MCL/PCL

  • Shin Splints/Osgood-Schlatter

  • Achilles Pain/Tendonitis/Heel Pain

  • Ankle Pain/Sprain/High Ankle Sprain

  • Foot and Toe Pain/Foot Ulcer/Plantar Fasciitis

  • Morton's Neuroma

  • Hallux Rigidus

  • Pulled Muscles/Strains/Sprains

  • Fibromyalgia Pain

  • Stress Fractures/Non-Unions

  • Neuropathy

We Get Right to the PAIN and Fix It

Shockwave applicator.jpg

Here is a video about how Shockwave works and how it is the modern treatment for pain:

Real People, Real Results.
Dr. Rik's Shockwave Testimonial Videos

Here is an actual treatment for a patient with plantar fasciitis:

Note: The patients below experienced great results, with some feeling no pain after only 1 treatment. Some were treated with a different shockwave device than we currently use (ours is newer), but they experienced the same kinds of results we see with our new machine.

Shockwave treatment protocol is generally a weekly treatment for 4-12 visits, with 8 visits being average.

Published studies show about a 90% success rate with Shockwave, without any drugs or surgery.

Dan's shoulder pain GONE after 1 Shockwave Treatment

​Scott's foot and heel pain GONE in 1 treatment!

This patient's knee pain GONE on first visit

​​Nathan's pinched nerve 80% better in 2 treatments

    Hugo's back was helped with both the Shockwave and spinal decompression:

Marcel's finger pain much better after 1 treatment

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